About Rana from Rana's mediterranean Recipes

Hi, I’m Rana!

Growing up in sunny Zarqa, Jordan, my world revolved around family, food, and the vibrant flavors of fresh whole food. My Mum’s kitchen was the heart of our home, filled with the aroma of spices and simmering stews. The power of food to gather loved ones around the table is a tradition I hold dear.

Life took me from Jordan to the bustling Bay Area of California. San Francisco’s cultural diversity was both a challenge and an inspiration. It fueled my passion for food, and I craved a deeper dive into the culinary world.

From Home Cook to Sharing My Passion

This passion led me to open a cafe in Marin County in 2001. It wasn’t just about serving delicious food; it was about sharing the joy of cooking and connecting with others. Later, I partnered with my daughter Sandra to build a successful organic, gluten-free granola company.

Over the years, I’ve worn many hats in the food industry, from consultant to recipe developer. My mission has always been to create healthy, appealing recipes using the magic of Mediterranean cuisine.

A Journey of Healing and Growth

Life threw another curveball when I faced a battle with thyroid cancer. But through it all, my love for food and healthy living only intensified. Today, I’m a cancer survivor, living happily with my family in Fairfield, California.

Sharing the Mediterranean Experience

Whether tending to my organic garden, exploring personal growth, or taking calming walks with my dog, Mia, life inspires me. And now, I’m thrilled to share my favorite childhood dishes, new culinary creations, and the joy of the Mediterranean way of life with you all.

Food is more than sustenance; it’s a bridge to our roots, a celebration of culture, and a way to share love. Join me as we explore the Mediterranean diet’s flavors, health benefits, and pure enjoyment.

Mediterranean pantry shelves stocked with jars of dry herbs and legumes.

A well-stocked pantry: Where Mediterranean culinary magic begins.

Ready to Begin Your Mediterranean Adventure?

For those newly arriving or wanting to immerse themselves fully into the world of Mediterranean cuisine and culture, I recommend starting with these foundational guides:

Dive in and let the flavors, aromas, and tales transport you to the sun-kissed shores of the Mediterranean!

Join the Journey

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