Tahini Salad Recipe – Middle Eastern Classic


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This tahini salad combines fresh vegetables and a creamy tahini dressing for a nutritious and delicious experience. You’ve come to the right place if you’re craving delicious and healthy tahini recipes!

Tahini salad is a Middle Eastern favorite that revolves around tahini, a creamy paste crafted from ground sesame seeds. This traditional salad boasts an array of fresh vegetables and fragrant herbs, including diced tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, parsley, and mint. These ingredients are meticulously cut into small pieces and generously coated with a creamy tahini olive oil sauce. This vibrant salad is the perfect companion to Middle Eastern classics like fish and kofta, making it a culinary gem in the region.

Growing up, my mom always accompanied our meals with this refreshing salad, particularly when serving fried dishes like fish, cauliflower, eggplant, and potatoes. It serves as a delightful alternative to salsa as a flavorful topping. As a child, my favorite way to enjoy it was crafting a pita bread sandwich with roasted cauliflower, topped with salata tahini. The addition of tahini dressing to salad recipes quickly became a personal preference. Before diving into the recipe, let’s address some common questions about tahini.

Tahini Salad Ingredients

  • Tomatoes (Diced): Ripe tomatoes add a burst of juicy sweetness and vibrant color to the salad. They provide a refreshing contrast to the creamy tahini dressing.
  • English Cucumber or Persian Cucumber (Diced): Cucumbers bring a crisp and slightly crunchy texture to the salad. Their mild, watery nature balances the flavors and adds a cooling element.
  • Red Onions: Red onions offer a zesty and slightly spicy kick. When finely sliced or diced, they add a pleasant sharpness and a pop of color.
  • Fresh Italian Parsley: Fresh parsley contributes a bright, herbaceous note to the salad. Its clean, grassy flavor complements the other ingredients.
  • Fresh Mint Leaves: Mint leaves infuse the salad with a refreshing, cool aroma and taste. They provide a delightful contrast to the richness of the tahini dressing.
  • Tahini Paste: Tahini paste serves as the creamy and nutty base for the salad dressing. It adds depth, richness, and a subtle nuttiness to the overall flavor profile.
  • Olive Oil: Olive oil enriches the Dressing with its fruity and slightly peppery notes. It helps bind the ingredients together and contributes to the creamy texture.
  • Fresh Lemon Juice: Fresh lemon juice imparts a zingy, citrusy brightness to the salad. It balances the richness of the tahini and adds a tangy kick.
  • Dry Mint: Dry mint, used as a seasoning, enhances the salad’s overall flavor with its earthy and aromatic quality.

All these ingredients come together, creating a harmonious and flavorful Mediterranean-inspired salad.

Tahini: A Versatile Superfood

Tahini, made from ground sesame seeds, is a versatile ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. Its rich, nutty flavor elevates dishes like hummus and baba ganoush.

Beyond its delicious taste, tahini offers various health benefits. It’s packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and provides essential minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium for strong bones.

Tahini’s versatility shines in both sweet and savory recipes. It serves as a delectable salad dressing, a vital component in dips and sauces, and adds creaminess and nutty notes to sweets like halva, cookies, and energy bars.

Tips for a Flawless Tahini Salad

  1. Dice Small: For an authentic texture and flavor, dice all vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions) into small, uniform pieces.
  2. Fresh Lemon Juice: Use freshly squeezed lemon juice for a tangy and refreshing twist.
  3. Add Dry Mint: Sprinkle dry mint for a deeper flavor profile and added complexity.
  4. Prepare Dressing Separately: Make the tahini dressing in a separate bowl, gradually adding cold water while whisking for a creamy and well-emulsified result.
  5. Mix Before Serving: Mix the salad to ensure an even distribution of flavors and dressing coating before serving.
  6. Allow Flavor Incorporation: Let the salad rest for at least 30 minutes before serving to meld flavors and create a more cohesive and delicious dish.

These tips guarantee a perfect tahini salad with small, uniform ingredients, a vibrant dressing, enhanced flavors, and optimal blending.

Serving Suggestions for Tahini Salad

This salad with tahini dressing is a versatile dish for a delightful side on a brunch or buffet table. Its fresh and vibrant flavors complement a wide range of main dishes. You can serve it alongside grilled kofta for a satisfying Middle Eastern feast or use it as a fantastic topping for a falafel sandwich or a flavorful addition to a  creamy chicken wrap. It also pairs well with chicken over a rice bowl or zesty lemon Greek rice. If you’re a seafood lover, you can enjoy it as a refreshing accompaniment to grilled fish, adding a tangy flavor to your meal.

Variations and Personalized

The traditional tahini salad has tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, parsley, mint, and lemon. However, you can make it your own by adding your favorite vegetables, such as bell peppers, radishes, green onions, or jalapenos, for a spicy kick. You can also add shredded cabbage or lettuce for some crunch. 

Experiment with different herbs like cilantro or dill to personalize the taste. In addition, you can easily customize this recipe by adding simple ingredients. For example, add grilled chicken strips for a delectable tahini chicken salad or some herbs for a delicious lemon herb tahini salad. Embrace your culinary imagination and enjoy this versatile tahini salad with endless possibilities. 

How to Make Tahini Salad Recipe – Middle Eastern Classic


Combine the diced tomatoes, English cucumber, red onions, chopped Italian parsley, and chopped fresh mint leaves in a large mixing bowl.
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In a separate bowl, whisk together the tahini sauce, olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and cold water until smooth and well combined. This will create a creamy dressing.
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Pour the tahini dressing over the diced vegetables and herbs in the mixing bowl.
Sprinkle the dry mint over the salad and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

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1X 2X 3X
Adjust Servings
3 large tomatoes diced
1 English cucumber diced
1/2 red onions diced
1/2 cup fresh Italian parsley chopped
¼ cup fresh mint leaves chopped
½ cup tahini sauce
cup olive oil
cup fresh lemon juice
cup cold water
1 teaspoon dry mint
Salt and pepper to taste


Combine the diced tomatoes, English cucumber, red onions, chopped Italian parsley, and chopped fresh mint leaves in a large mixing bowl.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the tahini sauce, olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and cold water until smooth and well combined. This will create a creamy dressing.
Pour the tahini dressing over the diced vegetables and herbs in the mixing bowl. Sprinkle the dry mint over the salad and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Recipe Tips & Suggestions

Storage: It is recommended to store the tahini salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator. However, please note that the salad is best enjoyed within 2-3 days as the vegetables may lose their crisp texture when sitting in the tahini dressing for an extended period.

Mixing Before Serving: Give the stored salad a good mix to ensure the dressing is evenly distributed and coats all the ingredients. This will help revive the flavors and maintain the desired consistency.

Timing: For the best texture and crunch, preparing this salad earlier in the day is recommended rather than making it too far in advance. The vegetable pieces may become less crunchy if the salad is made too far ahead of serving.

Rana’s Notes!

Is Tahini Gluten Free? Yes, tahini is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Given that Tahini is made from sesame seeds, it’s naturally gluten-free. However, it's always important to check the label to ensure that the tahini product you choose hasn't been cross-contaminated with gluten during processing. If you’re also wondering, “does tahini have dairy” you’ll be happy to know that it’s also dairy-free.
Is Tahini Keto? Yes, tahini is keto-friendly due to its low carbohydrate content, making it suitable for individuals following a ketogenic diet. With its moderate protein content and high healthy fat content, tahini provides a satisfying and flavorful addition to keto meals and snacks.
Does Tahini Go Bad? Tahini has a relatively long shelf life, but like any food product, it can eventually go bad. If you’re wondering, “Does tahini need to be refrigerated?” The answer is yes because cool and proper storage is key to maintaining its freshness. With regards to the question “How long does tahini last,“ unopened jars of tahini can last for about a year, while opened jars should be refrigerated to extend their lifespan and prevent rancidity.

Nutrition Information

The information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist's advice.
See our full nutrition disclosure here.


By Rana

Thanks for visiting my Mediterranean food blog and welcome to my virtual kitchen! Here, you’ll find mouth-watering, wholesome, and nutritious Mediterranean recipes that will change the way you view cooking.

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